VoteThisMovie.com, KAPOW! The new Batman movie "The Dark Knight" smashed the weekend record set by "Spider-Man 3" last year, selling an ...
www.votethismovie.com - 2009-02-11
Hollywood Network is a social network on Ning
hollywoodnetwork.ning.com - 2009-04-09
Film blog reviews, news, lists and more
best of film lists 
www.filmtops.com - 2009-02-07
Cinema Kane is your online movie guide for News, Reviews, and Trivia.
www.cinemakane.com - 2009-04-03
Your guide about movies online, movies in theaters and movies on DVD. Find trailers and clips, movie news, cast & credits, celebrity photos, movie showtimes & ...
www.cinecityfilms.com - 2009-02-07
Movie Reviews and Voting With Social Features - Social Movie Reviews
www.movie911.com - 2009-02-04
British Silent Cinema - Broadway Cinema Nottingham UK
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www.britishsilentcinema.com - 2009-02-08
Moviesok.com makes an effort to collect information about movies all around the globe and put it forth to users. Its a movie portal dedicated to latest and best ...
moviesok.com - 2009-04-09
Selection of DVDs and films to suit all tastes
us.films.ie - 2009-04-12
ScreenTestInternational.com: Where You Choose Tomorrow's Stars. Check out Casting Calls, Film Auditions and Theatrical Opportunities.
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www.screentestinternational.com - 2009-02-13